Long-term competitiveness

Ensuring the long-term competitiveness of the UK as world-leading international financial centre has remained a core pillar of our work.

Our long-term competitiveness work

We work to ensure the UK remains an attractive place to invest and do business, which is essential to the industry’s long-term competitiveness.

"TheCityUK is on the ball when it comes to industry strategies and has focused objectives."

TheCityUK member

With the support of our Long-Term Competitiveness Group, we influence the policy environment and evolution of regulatory frameworks to drive UK competitiveness by:

  • Delivering policy positions in relation to long-term competitiveness issues.
  • Influencing the future shape of the UK’s regulatory, legal and tax regimes and the approach of its regulatory and supervisory authorities, including the evolution of the frameworks affecting business as it adapts to technological, environmental and social change.
  • Promoting the importance of the UK jurisdictions, English common law and the UK position in dispute resolution as a foundation of the UK’s attractiveness for business.
  • Highlighting the needs for new talent, skills and diversity in the industry and supporting the relevant work of the Financial Services Skills Commission.
  • Driving related professional services as a key underpinning of the industry’s success.
  • Working with partners across the industry to address issues such as operational resilience, AI and data, which have implications for the entire ecosystem.

Our latest long-term competitiveness work:

TheCityUK response to the Pensions Investment Review: Call for Evidence

We have published our submission and welcome the government’s focus on Pensions Investment in phase one of their Pensions Review.

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TheCityUK Autumn Budget 2024 Submission

We have published our submission ahead of the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget, detailing a set of proposals that our industry believes will help drive inclusive economic growth, especially when combined with a comprehensive spending review.

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Our latest long-term competitiveness news:


Inclusive growth: it’s the government’s big idea, but what does it mean?


UK-EU financial services exports: which countries are most prominent?


FCA and PRA reports on their secondary international competitiveness and growth objective


TheCityUK comments on the proposed planning reforms


TheCityUK National Conference 2024

Register for our 2024 event taking place in Birmingham. The conference will discuss how the financial and related professional services industry can address some of the challenges facing the country.

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TheCityUK Annual Conference 2024

Our recent Annual Conference brought together over 300 senior leaders from the financial and related professional services industry, along with political stakeholders and media, to discuss the pivotal role of our industry in driving economic growth and boosting UK competitiveness. If you missed out you can catch up on the sessions now.

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